Saturday, 22 September 2012

Pumpkin Pie Almonds

So, I have had meatball subs for dinner for the last 3 nights (and meatballs for lunch one day) because Ben insisted on buying a TON of meat! So, that being said, I haven't made any new Pinterest recipes lately. BUT, I did make a little snack today: Pumpkin Pie Almonds!

I love pumpkin pie and I love almonds so I figured, "Hey, these will be tasty!" It's pretty much roasted almonds with cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice (I had to make my own because they don't sell it here, easy peasy), honey, and vanilla! Sounds yummy! So, here are mine:
Now, they're okay, but don't really have the strong flavor of pumpkin pie. I will definitely finish them during my "morning tea" and "afternoon tea" (breaks) but I'm not sure if I will make them again. I'm fine with plain roasted, salted almonds.


I did buy a pumpkin to roast and puree today so be watching out for some sort of recipe to come from that! I haven't officially decided yet so, any suggestions?


Sissy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Do you have beer at tea? I have never cooked a fresh pumpkin. Have always used canned, but I do cook a lot of squash. I mostly roast it with just olive oil, salt and pepper. Miss you!

Libbi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Haha...I don't personally drink during my breaks but Ben told me it's encouraged at the university! I'll let you know how the pumpkin roasting goes!

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