From the beach, you can see Rangitoto Island which we took a ferry to a couple weeks ago!
Beautiful blue water and blue sky!
Aren't these rocks cool how their layers are sidewards! It was like that with all the rocks on the beach so there must have been some crazy plate tectonics going on!
If you want to look at ALL the pictures from our beach excursion, check them out on our SmugMug!
Before we took the ferry over to Devonport, we got a chance to watch part of the World Champion Triathalon that has been going on all weekend in Auckland! I'm so impressed with athletes who can swim, bike 40 kilometers, and then go and run 10K! We got there just in time to watch the end of the Under 23 Women's finals.
The Finish Line
All the way down at the end you can see where they start off the blue platform. There were 2 buoys behind me that that they had to swim around. Sadly, we didn't see any swimming though :(
I would like to start feeling better so I can actually work out without dying. Walking up the hill from the grocery store was an effort :( So, I'm gonna go rest some more...ta ta!
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