Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Look what I got!

I got some super buys at the secondhand store this weekend! I am addicted. Look...

I got TWO of these beauties. They are Crate and Barrel hot plates (in case you couldn't tell...) and they were only $3 each!

Here's my fruit bowl that I got last weekend...it's currently holding my onion and ginger :) I can't remember how much it was...maybe around $5? I liked the color...

And some ramekins! I have been wanting some for a while and these were marked $2 each but we got niggled it down to about half that :) What can I say? I'm a bargain shopper.

Also, can you tell I like 50 shades of blue? 

There's some other stuff...but these are my faves so far (i.e. Ben bought $11 worth of books...) We also found a grill that we like...and if it's still there this weekend, we will probably buy it. We don't have anywhere to put it right now but we can start putting stuff in our new place this week!! Woo hoo!

Gotta go check Trade Me!


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You are just so cute! Thanks for sharing, and keep them coming. :)

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