Saturday, 2 March 2013

Rainy, Cozy Sunday

It has been almost a whole month since my last blog post! I can't say there's been any particular reason why, I just haven't really had anything spectacular to post about. Nothing better than a rainy Sunday to get you back on it though. I've got (healthy) banana muffins in the oven, hot coffee, rain pouring outside, a warm blankie, and The Bachelor on in the background :) Let's talk about The Bachelor. I watched the first episode right when it premiered and then I thought, "I don't want to get sucked into that again." So I stopped. Then I saw a couple of people posting about this or that on Facebook, so I gave it another try. Now I am hooked. I'm only on the fifth episode, so please don't spoil it for me! I actually haven't looked at any spoilers and have no clue who he picks, let along who gets to the final two!! This is like the first time ever... It's a trashy show, I know. But it's addictive...and easy to make fun of!

In the last month or so, I have joined a gym as well! That is partly what makes it harder to post. I go almost every day after school to work out (unless I have a meeting or something) and when I get home, I barely feel like cooking dinner...much less blog posting! It's been a really good gym though! I tried a spin class for the very first time and it kicked my butt!!! I was sweating like crazy and my bum was sore for the next couple days! I definitely want to give it another go! This week I want to try the kickboxing class out! Since I go during the week, I give myself the weekend off...because who really wants to go to the gym and work out on the weekend??

On my last post I told you all about my dresser is ALMOST done! I actually went and got the final stuff to finish it off yesterday! I will be clear coating and painting the legs today and hopefully it will be in the room by tomorrow!! YAY! Here's a sneak peek...

We also bought a bed frame (along with a little bit of drama) on Trade Me yesterday, so our room is starting to look like a bedroom...not just a mattress and piles of clothes on the floor!!

Our little garden is doing really well too! We have spinach, basil, mint, and coriander (cilantro). I picked all the spinach for salads last week and there is already another bunch ready to go!

Spinach is so expensive from the store so I'm loving having it in my garden! Guess we're going to have to have salads on the menu at least one a week! We also made mojitos last night so we used up some of our mint! I wish we had more room so we could have tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes, and lots of other things! Maybe one day we will have a self-sustaining veggie garden!! Haha...good one Libbi!

PS-Just had one of those banana muffins I mentioned...and they are GOOD! Perfect Sunday morning treat...and they were quick and easy! I already had all the ingredients on hand (only one ripe banana though...) Here's the recipe: Oatmeal Banana Breakfast Muffins.

Hopefully I will be done with my dresser TOMORROW and I will definitely post all about it...because I'm super proud of myself. I have told myself that I won't work on more than one project at once but I already have my next one ready in my head! I'm loving being crafty!! I hope you enjoy hearing all about it :) Until next time...


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