Friday, 8 March 2013

My first re-finishing project! Im addicted...

I have seen picture after picture on Pinterest of refinishing projects for old piece of junk furniture that's made into something amazing and actually worth keeping. Well, I always think, "How hard can that be?" And it's way cheaper to buy something old and spruce it up than to buy it already re-done. I'm really excited with how it turned out!! I apologize in advance for the crappy iPhone photos. My computer is so old now that it no longer downloads software because it's so out of date...and so I can't upload pictures from the camera :( I hope you love it as much as I do!!

Sadly, I did not get a before picture of the whole thing put together and please excuse Ben's crap on get the jist)

Notice those ugly retro half chrome, half laminate legs...and of course the brick in place of one leg...


(after one coat of paint color and then "distressed" slightly)


After painting and distressing, we added a clear coat on top that gave it more of a vintage-y feel and look to it! I love it! Oh and check out the new legs, that look so much better! I also loved the pulls that it had on it already so I just cleaned them up and reattached. 

I will try to post some better pictures because you can't really see the great seafoam greeny color! I'm so proud of how it turned out and can't wait to start my next project :) Ben is excited...


Maureen said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Libbi it looks beautiful, I am gonna do one too, I hope it turns out as well as yours. I love the legs that you used, did they come pre made or did you make them?

Libbi said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


I bought them from a hardware store and just painted them to match! They were a little pricey ($10 each) but much easier than making :) Good luck with your project!!

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